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Morph-Operator Example
This operator interpolates between two objects to creat a
so-called "morph-object". Both points and object-colors
are interpolated. The source- and the destination-object
should have the same point- and face-count.
Name Possible Values/Unit Description
Input1 TEMP3D1, ..., TEMP3D4 source-object
Input1 TEMP3D1, ..., TEMP3D4 destination-object
Ouput STREAM, TEMP1, ..., TEMP8, output buffer
TEMP3D1, ..., TEMP3D4
Frames integer>1 number of frames
Frame 1...frames current frame
A nice application of this feature is to "morph" between two
different functions created by the ZPlot-PlugIn.
Because this operator supports the PowerPlugs! -concept further
settings can be adjusted from within the global Render-Settings -Window.